Which Loan Is Right For Me?: Conventional vs Government-Insured Loans

We know that purchasing a home is a daunting task for anyone, but especially first-time homebuyers. There are many different types of loans available and it’s important to understand each major type to ensure you’re able to make an informed decision.

4 Common Home Buying Mistakes

When first-time home buyers come to us, we take the time to explain all the ins and outs of the mortgage process. We teach them what to look for and common home buying mistakes to avoid.

Three Reasons to Get Pre-approved Early

It's generally best to obtain pre-approval early - before starting to look at homes. We recommend getting pre-approved as early as six months to a year in advance.

Conventional Loan Guidelines

Conventional loan guidelines were created by the government and are enforced to protect the lender, borrower, and investor.

The HELOC vs. Home Equity Loan Dilemma: What’s the Best Choice?

HELOCs and Home Equity Loans are two financial tools that allow homeowners to leverage the equity in their homes, but they operate differently and serve different purposes.

Secrets to Speeding Up Your Home Loan Closing

Speeding up your home loan closing involves a combination of preparation, organization, and effective communication. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or a veteran homeowner looking to refinance, there are always new tips and tricks to explore.

How Obtaining a Home Loan With Mortgage Specialists Can Outshine Traditional Banking

While we understand that interest rates are a key element when choosing a loan, they shouldn’t be considered as the only factor. Choosing a local mortgage broker for your home loan can make a somewhat stressful journey a whole lot smoother, as they can truly be a personal guide.

Understanding Credit Inquiries and Deduping

Comprehending credit inquiries and how they differ allows individuals to make informed decisions, while the deduping process ensures the accuracy and fairness of credit reporting.

Can I Purchase a Home in “Bad” Condition With a Conventional Loan?

Unlike government-backed mortgages, conventional loans are offered by private lenders. The lending decisions are based on each private lender's criteria, not government standards.

What Are My Options for Locking in a Mortgage Interest Rate?

Locking in a rate with a lender is a way to protect yourself from potential interest rate increases while you're in the homebuying process.
